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Laptop South Africa information

These laptops are currently available in South Africa

i3 Laptops

i3 laptops are available in different generations. Each i3 Generation offers better performance, better battery life, and new improved features than the last i3 generation. i3 laptops are not as fast as i5 laptops.

i5 laptops

The i5 laptops are faster, and has more features and benefits compared to i3 laptops. i5 laptops are available in different generations. Each generation is faster than the last generation.

i7 laptops

i7 laptops are noticeably faster than the i3 or i5. The i7 offers the best performance and has the most features. i7 laptops are offered in different generations, with each generation performing better than the last.

i9 laptops

i9 laptops are faster than the i7. The i9 offers the best performance and has the most features. i9 laptops are offered in different generations, with each generation performing better than the last.

Intel graphics and dedicated graphics on laptops

Intel graphics offers great performance for business and multimedia users. Dedicated graphics offers the best performance for games, but will not make a noticeable impact on normal day to day usage.

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